quarta-feira, 17 de junho de 2009

Immediacy: addendum

Something very important I neglected to mention on yesterday's post. One of the insidious aspects of Twitter's immediacy is it's luring aspect. The engine that Twitter so cleverly assembled bombards it's users with a continuous stream of news, thoughts and feelings. It's so easy to just sit there under the pouring letters. Sure, you can retweet (RT) some, tweet back some others. It's like a magnet, like the call of the sirens that led sailors to death by drowning. You're always waiting for the next interesting thing. A new article, a new joke, instant news, whatever. And while you look at this continuous stream of letters you're actually not producing. And I'm not even talking about the work you get payed to do (yes, sure, that's what makes the world go round, but this text is about something else). I'm talking about taking those thoughts out of your head and say your piece, build knowledge, add a new, even if only slightly, point of view of things. I'm talking about releasing your creativity and provide it with a solid bridge to cross over to an humanity-accessible medium. 140 characters is kind of flimsy.

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